Monday, October 25, 2010

End of trip...

these past 6 days have gone by so fast. i miss my panpan already. such a wonderful trip. such a wonderful family. saying goodbye to them made me tear up. haha. ahh....and btw, all i've been hearing is chinese these past 6 days, so hearing all this english at the airport, is blowing my miiiiiind!! hah. i am. back at the airport about to head home. to be honest, i don't want to go home. of course i miss my own dear family, don't get me wrong. i'm just not quite ready to welcome home as much as i would, say, a few months apart from it rather than one week's time.
on a different note-it's really amazing what sort of stuff you hear at a airport! my goodness. i'm not going to record what is being said exactly, sorry, but there's no need for that. just know there's a huge variety of topics one overhears at an airport.

we went to the farmers market yesterday. here are some pics. :]

darling grandma.

you know how we say "goodbye" just as a general term? it's always messed with me. (that word has)
goodbye is a word to me that means 'never again.' i'm so sorry to be so vague with you, but it's hard for me to explain. there's too much emotion involved in that single word, for me to try and explain. goodbye is a word that makes me wanna cry...i really want to start making it a habbit NOT saying "goodbye" anymore, unless i'm ready to never see that person again. so from on it's: " till next time!" or something of the like, because i plan on writing to you more. :]

and here, dear friends, lies the end of my trip. my plane is boarding. i'm ready.


  1. Great pics... I'm glad you had an awesome trip!

  2. Native americans don't believe in saying goodbye either. even if you're not sure if you'll ever see them again.
    they say "see you later" instead.
    your post reminded me of that. heehee.
    i'm glad you had such a wonderful time! you're probably amaaazing at chinese now.
    i love youuu.

  3. yes,it was an amazing trip!! :]

    oh michelle, you are such a darling. :]

  4. I love the photos. My first time on your blog. Like the background too. Great colors. Writing has a lot of pain and sorrow and drama. Let's keep in touch, Andrea.
    Love you,
