Thursday, February 24, 2011

se souviennent...

"Pensez à toutes les choses que nous avons partagées et avons vues - ne pensent pas aux choses qui pourraient avoir été. si vous trouvez jamais un moment, épargnez une pensée pour moi.
Se souvenir de moi, de temps en temps, s'il vous plaît me le promets, vous allez essayer. Si jamais vous trouvez un moment une pensée de moi."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

No duh we're related...;]

Smiling is the best medicine. :]

Oh hey! Everyone close one eye! Look mom! We are cute! :]

Friday, February 11, 2011

How Queer Man Is.

the person is not something one can study and provide for; he is something one struggles for. But unless he also struggles for himself, unless he knows that there is a struggle, he is going to be just what the planners think he is.

-Walker Percy

Monday, February 7, 2011


Wake up, the sun is shining thru my window. I march out of bed in pursuit of my daily routine: dancing before school, grabbing some coffee, and i'm off! Rushing to beat the Jccc traffic.

Sometimes there are no words to say. Life can take many forms, but perhaps the strongest in our ways of discipline.

As a dancer, strength is neccessary.
Every move-strong.
Outside I am strong. Inside, i'm mesmorized by the music; letting it carry me away.

Passionately. Violently.

1-2-3-4 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and Plie´,Eleve´, and Coupe´ landing in second. Again.

As i'm listening to the familiar waltz, my mind i'm highly intoxicated, I obligingly let the music carry me away. My feet-tight. My arms-strong. Strong but graceful, I dance for myself. I dance for those watching me.
My feet ache.

I cannot tell a lie: I have a long ways to go. And like any athelete, i'm competitive and arrogant.


...and I let the music take my body away.

Tonight, I'll prepare to do the same thing for tomorrow. Discipline. Discipline.

A dancer...