i feel like i wanna try and find something 'deep' to say
but, i definately think i try TOO much to be 'deep' on here. my own fault. i'm putting too much thought into my own feelings, i don't even see why. hah. these are my thoughts, they aren't a novel. who cares.
so, i'm starting my thoughts over.
blank sheet again.
if you know me that much, at all, you'll know that music is something i crave/ have an emmense passion for! songs with hidden meanings...pain in them....classical. i love it all. music is my passion.
besides playing it, piano/classical music is my favorite.
lately, i've been listening to alot of anberlin, and joshua radin. they have some great music. i dare say i'm jealous of their ability to write such beautiful music.
lyrics have a big impact on me. no joke. i don't wanna use my time listening to random crap.
also, both of these artists voices are amazing. another big part.
i could go on about music forever...everywhere there's a different type of music being made. i was kind of thinking the other day about how we all are a different type of music, you know what i mean? hmm. maybe to explain it further, we all are a different note in our own unique key of music. :]
oh, how i wish i had more thoughts to share with you! but, i feel this is all i have for now.
i'm gone
joshua radin.